Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why I Love My Friends!!!

Here is Why I love the friends God has put in my life.
I usually don't use specific names of people in my blog, but her ei have to because this was SOO helpful
Sunday Night: Alex used a great analogy.

I was discussing how I almost wasn't there and how I want to pull away from my parents and do my own thing, and they want me to obey and listen to what they say AND THEN they will give me some freedom. AB then told me this. He said
Ya know, your life is kinda like one of this Chinese Finger Traps. The harder you pull, the harder things are going to be. But if you chill and be patient, it becomes easier.

Ah, thank you Alex!!! That Makes SO much sense. NOW I know it, and understand it (to a point), so I have no excuse to not live it.

Lord, thank you for knowing all things. Help me to see that if I trust in you, the grip will loosen.

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