Friday, March 14, 2008

A final decision

Hmmm...time to scratch out another word. Final isn't the right word. Let's try again. The decision has been made...for now.
Children's Ministry-> Thumbs Up
High School--> Thumbs Down

Sweet. Cool. Awesome. 3 words that describe my feelings about it now Why? Well Because now I know. No more waiting.

I'll still see the guys (and girls) and can do stuff on Sundays with them.

But (I don't know why I always start sentences with that word , its not proper English.) Whatever.

But, I was in a position where I had made a commitment to NOT stay with Paul anymore so Monday nights would have been hard to A. find another person to stay with. OR B. drive up on Sunday and THEN Monday as well.

So...I'm still there for Sundays, nothing changes there.

AHH I'm in a good spot


Anonymous said...

Yay for you being in a good spot!!

(hadn't read this when I talked to you early)

AND it is not improper English to start a sentence with a conjunction.

Anonymous said...

Wow....this is a different John than what we see at TCC! :P

John Schuchman said...

Thank you SB. Thank you for the grammar lesson as well! Seriously

Cody, thanks for the comment as well.

I'm not quite sure that's a good thing, but that's why I blog.

I want people to know who I am and what I am thinking, but its hard to to be as personal on TCC