Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Why do you drive such a crappy car?
The question above was asked by one of the High Schoolers on Sunday as I drove them around.

Here is the explanation I gave:
Yeah, I know, but I'm going to buy a car from my parents once I save up some money.
What I said was true, but there is a much better answer beneath the surface. The answer should have instead been this.
Well, from May to December I burned about $1,500-$2,000 buying stupid stuff on ebay. If I wouldn't have done that, I would have a nice car and you would be sitting in it right now.
Yeah maybe I wasn't making alot of money working from September to January working, but that doesn't really matter, because, had I not wasted so much cash, I would have had some and not been worried about it.
I am now in a position where I am working and making 4x more $$ a week than I was from October to January, and yet, if i don't act responsibly with that money, it STILL will not be enough. This is cool. I'm learning new things every day.
Thank you Lord for what you are teaching me!

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