Thursday, March 6, 2008

These past 12 days.

These past 12 days have taught me so much.

They began with anger and frustration, and left my thinking I did not want to be a part of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church anymore. Instead, I know want to be more a part than ever before.

It's been a time of silence, a time of tears, and THAT is such a good thing (I think). I talk a lot, and its good to have God finally shut me up. As Jim preached about December 9th of last year (Magnificent Kingdom,Myopic Me). Mark 4:35-40. I listened to this sermon again today, and what the passage shows us that Jesus did to the waves and wind, just makes sense to what God has done to me for 12 days. He has told me me "be quite, stop talking".

I had asked God why he did not care about me, and how he could make THIS come up.

I had begun to forget about the promises of God's kingdom
I had forgotten the nature of God
I had forgotten the people all around me.

My desire is to serve the people, but my life HAS BEEN all about myself and what I WILL GET OUT OF SERVING.

It was (IS) a selfish world, and through his word and power, my world is getting turned upside down.

THIS is why I LOVE Cornerstone Sermons on my Ipod. Something I heard 2 months ago, is making sense in the current "storm" I am in, and God has shut my mouth through it.

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