Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Road to Desales.

The exit is FINALLY getting closer. Exit 60 off of I78. That exit takes me to 309 South which take me to Desales!!!

Today I called someone at Desales and we discussed what I had to do to get back into Desales for the Fall. I was told they would like to see at least 8 classes ( I have 7) and at least a 2.5 GPA. The GPA will be no sweat. I had a 2.90 last semester, and would have to get a D in every class left this semester (already have an A in one) to not average a 2.50. That will certainly not happen. So, the GPA looks good enough to get back in. Now I just have to finish filling out the forms to re-apply to the school, and sign up for a Spring Course. The Spring term starts up in less than a week, so I may end up taking a summer course as the #8 course instead. Either way, once I get signed up for the course and have my forms filled out to re-apply at Desales, everything will be in full swing and I can get into the class I need for the fall at Desales.

I'm excited. Things are finally coming together :)

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