Friday, April 4, 2008

Sexual Brokenness and the Gospel

The above is the title of the conference I will be attending Tomorrow and Saturday. I wasn't sure I was even going to get there. I had forgotten it was this weekend, and so instead of scrambling to find a place to stay and look like an idiot, I decided not to call when I remembered Thursday AM that the conference started today. When I got home tonight from work, my mom asked if I had a place to stay and I told her I did not. She made a call (even though I begged her not to) and found a place to stay. I just feel like its wrong for me to give people less than a few days notice! Besides, I didn't want to look irresponsible. Oh well, I guess I still have lots of learning to do. Besides #2, it's not anyone's job to let me stay at their house. THIS Is why I need to move to the Lehigh Valley SOON!!! ;)

As for the conference, I am so excited!

I received a later on Tuesday march 25th about the conference. It began with,
Dear Cornerstone family,
We pray this letter finds you well-spiritually,emotionally, and relationally.
My jaw just about hit the floor as I read that, because it was basically the opposite of how I wrote that I felt 24 hours before.

I'm worn out. Seriously worn out. I don't know why but I am SOOO tired. I am physically tired. I am emotionally tired. Worst of all, I am spiritually tired after not being at my church this week. Plus, it was a tough weekend with my family. I need your prayers more than ever.
The letter Cornerstone sent encouraged me so much. It helped me understand that the way I'm feeling, there were others right there with me.

This conference is going to be awesome.

A safe place for gospel hearing
is what the letter describes it as. Just what I need. Just what we all need. The coolest thing is Cornerstone is the one place i have felt open with people about this stuff. Why? Because there's no condemnation, rather "a safe place for gospel hearing"

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