Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My exciting Tuesday

Last Tuesday, I posted about how I was meeting about membership at Cornerstone and then going to a baseball game Tuesday night. From the post, the game might have seemed like the highlight of my day, and at that point I thought it would be, but the meeting became what made my day.

The meeting was great and in the end, the decision was left up to me to join Cornerstone now or wait. I was asked to list reasons why I would do either.

Reasons to join now:
Submit myself to the leadership of the church.
Get more involved in the church and possibly some ministries I would like to be involved in.
Become a part of "the community"
Because it looks like I will be at Desales in the fall

Reasons to wait:
I currently live an hour and 15 minutes away
I have a full time job lined up (which as of this past Monday looks like I am going to get)
It is hard to have accountability and be part of the church when I live so far away.
What if Desales does not let me back?
What If I decide I am not ready to live on my own?

Ah, decisions.
I would rather just be told "We want you to wait until you are back at Desales and/or live up here."

Instead its left up to me.
That's so hard because I WANT to be a member now, but I BELIEVE there are ALSO reasons should wait...


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