Thursday, July 10, 2008

What defines me?


That's where I'm at. I feel insecure,upset, alone, and I KNOW I have failed, once again.

Being a Christian is EASY when I'm at church, at bible study, or hanging with any of my Christian friends.

Being a Christian is HARD the rest of the time... when I'm working, when I'm driving, when I'm at a (non-Christian) friend's house, when I'm at the store, or when I'm alone and I feel like no one is watching me.

So what defines me?

Does the Lord who is doing a great work in my life and continues too?


Do all the 'patterns of this world' and 'deep desires' that I KNOW are sinful but WANT anyway?

I know what the answer should be, but sadly, and it breaks my heart to say this, that's not what the answer is.

I need to live a different life.

Again I cry out, "Lord Save Me"


Jonny said...

Very deep!
Hang in there though.
I'm Jonny by the way.
I came across your blog while browsing.
I really enjoy it.
Well feel free to read/comment my posts.
I'd greatly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

You my friend are not hopeless in Christ... He says your awesome b/c of what his son did for you.
He looks at you, not blindly , but wisely seeing Christ and not your actions.
Hopeless is only when your trusting in all your own work rather than Jesus to help you through this difficult time.

Anonymous said...


You are not hopeless. Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Remember, even the apostle Paul said that his sinful nature warred against him. It's not the fact that you feel a desire for sinful things, it's whether you choose to act on them or not.

It's tough dude, trust me I've been there too! It's the nature of the battle. You feel a desire for something wrong and instantly Satan says "SEE! You're not REALLY a christian! You don't REALLY follow Christ or you wouldn't want that thing!" But there's one thing. He's LYING! Temptation is not sin! It only becomes sin when you dwell on it (mull it over without fighting) or act on it.

Some of the worst times of temptation for me have been when I know there is no one around. I can feel and think pretty disgusting things then. But as long as I CHOOSE to give them over to God (Lord, please take these thoughts from me!) and try to dwell on something else, I haven't sinned. I still feel kindof disgusting inside for a while (Satan is good at lying), but the truth is, when I ask God for forgiveness, He doesn't just forgive me, He CLEANSES me! 1 John 1:9.

Remember, we are all going to struggle with sin until we die (or get raptured) and see Jesus. He understands that also.

Do your best, trust HIM for the rest. Ask the Lord to "grow" you, and ask Him to fulfill that promise from Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."

The Saxman (Zachary Doyle)