Thursday, January 24, 2008

Things I've realized through this tough week.

So, I've been home for about 40 hours and just realized something last night. Basically my mom asked me how much gas I had and I told her I needed gas, and she then asked what of my paycheck I had left and I told her. She then handed me her credit card and told me to go down to Trailside (where I work) and fill up my tank, get her a gallon of tea and also get drinks I wanted (I am suddenly addicted to Fuze, blame it on Dave and Alyssa Reed having it at their house) so I put $50 in gas in my car and drinks were $10. These 2 days have been good. No arguments or disagreements. Obviously, life won't always be perfect. I never realized that all my parents want is to be respected, not argued with every second, have me show a willingness to be helpful, and for me to show some gratitude? My parents are more than willing to pay for everything I need and more. (Including my Fuze) I just need to show them the respect they deserve.

I'm finally understanding it...

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