Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My New Year's Eve

So, Happy New year everyone!

2008 has arrived....and I was sleeping when it did.

I have never really 'understood' the idea of staying up all night to watch the ball drop.
So last night I stayed home and went to bed at 11:30 because I was (and am) still aching from football. It's not like I had nothing to do...I mean I had 4 people call who wanted me to come to a party or dinner of some sort. I just wasn't up for driving anywhere or doing anything.

So I slept for 10 hours...

It was fun, I'd like to try it again some day

Well again, happy 2008 to all of you... I hope you all are not scared by how terrible of a singer Milley Cirus is like I was. She was on ABC at around 10:30 and I almost died.
She should never sing again.

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