Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Closest I've been to becoming famous...

The Closest I've been to becoming famous... was the following

After an email I sent to Barry Bonds (because I was a kid who didn't know he shoved needles in his butt cheeks, and thought he was a legend) I got a shout out from Barry, which he did after about every blog post for 10-20 fans

It's about as close as I'll ever come to fame, Barry Bonds (or someone who works for him) taking 3 seconds to type my name. life is sad

October 13, 2004

Hello fans,

The season is over for me and I would like to send a big thank you to all of you who have sent me emails and pictures. I'm very happy that I started the web site because it gave me a chance to get closer to my true fans. Reading emails while I was on the road or at home was always a great inspiration; when things weren't going so well I was able to read your well wishes and they helped change my outlook of things.

I've tried my by best to keep up with the shout outs but the emails were coming in faster than I could read them. In the off-season, I will review what we did on the site and work on making things better for you. I have many ideas and we will see what will make it on the site for Opening Day and Spring Training.

During the off-season, I will be in San Francisco, LA and the East Coast, spending time with my kids and attending some school functions. I will update the site with important things such as events and special moments. My email will however be working overtime because I want to answer more emails from fans. So don't be surprised if you wrote me in April and I'm only getting back to you now.

It's been an honor to celebrate my 660 and 700 milestones with all the fans around the world. The weekend I hit 700, I received emails from fans in Australia who watched it on MLBTV. Now that's a great feeling. I was just in my Gallery section on the site looking over the pictures from each of those milestones, and I have to say that the gallery is taking shape.

I would like to thank Team Barry (Rachael, Lisa, JB and Tony) and MLB. The fans loved it. I also want to thank my mom, for supplying "Pictures from the Past." It was nice to see some of those pictures myself. The funny thing about that is I was told that when the baby pictures were posted, email volume increased. Finally, I would like to thank all my licensees for getting to my fans fun and affordable products.

Well, that's it for now...back to emails and rehab for my knee. I will be 100% when the season starts.

Thanks again to all of you, my great fans,


Shout outs:

Joe Moore, Boston

Chris Petrof

John Piercy

Michael Rosa, San Francisco

Pei-ken Hsu

Fernando Gonzalez

Jagan Samudrala

Fred Emery

Stanley Duitsman

Sam & Woody Whitfield

Jason Baum

Anthony Horsley Sr

Julie Orender

Paula McCoskey

John Schuchman

Victoria De La Rosa

Anthony Pena

Allen Grant

Natalie Pieretti

Pierre Brumaire, Montreal

yes its real, read the post from his website on the link below

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