Saturday, May 10, 2008

Why I'm upset

Here's why : There are a handful of people who TRULY know me at Cornerstone, and most of them have not talked to me in over 2 weeks. Maybe part of it is my fault. I don't call during the week, but mostly because I feel like people are too busy to want to take that time to talk. I really have no desire to be around right now. I know that I want to be at Cornerstone, I mean I'm contemplating joining the church because of the "community", but recently, the people who know John inside and out, for the most part haven't talk to me, haven't been around, and it really upsets me. Maybe it's that there hasn't been C3 for a while,maybe I've been "distant", and maybe now that it is summer, all those things will change. I said it already 2 weeks ago and things are still the same. I just wish I would have that closeness back with the few people that really know me. Its frustrating, but I also realize maybe its a good thing.
Whoever cannot be alone should beware of community...[and] whoever cannot stand being in community should beware of being alone.

1 comment:

threetwentyone said...

Haha! Now YOU are quoting me without asking!!! ;-) I guess I deserve it!

May God give you wisdom whether to make the first step or not, and irregardless of that, to know that you are Known by Him and nothing else really matters.