Thursday, February 21, 2008

I wish I could say something

This post has been thought about for a while, and I was going to post it soon. Then today I saw a friend's blog and it just made me once again consider this: I am always there to tell a joke, and to try and listen, but I never have anything to say. I remember 7 months ago, I had a friend ( A part of C3) who was obviously hurting. I told him that I didn't have much to say, but if he needed to talk to someone, I would listen. I truly want to hear people's struggles and pray for them and give them advice when I can, but here's the problem and the main idea of this post which has been in my mind for a while: I am not good at giving advice. I would love to have the right thing to say to help people and let them know how much I care and that I am there for them if they need anything, but I just don't have the right words to say. I've had so many friends who helped me through tough situations. I just want to FOR ONCE be able to give some advice. I feel like my words are instead worthless and don't mean anything to anyone. It hurts inside, because I know how much THEY hurt inside, and I don't know how to help. IT leaves me speechless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You have so many good characteristics.
You may seem like you dont have anything wise to tell people but that is so not true. Your experiences over the past two ears have taught you a lot and you have much to offer... wait on God ...You will have an opportunity share what you have already been given (to whom much is given much is expected)
Im proud of how you are changing and working on your attitude and maturing to be the man God intended you to be.