I wish I knew the answer to that.None of my plans have gone.
I'm not back at Desales, and won't be until 2009.
and now, suddenly I am jobless and carless.
Thursday, I found out that the program I was working under for Sleepy's was done. In other words, John is IMMEDIATELY jobless with no prior notice, and I didn't do anything wrong to deserve losing the job.
Then, Friday, my car broke down on the side of the road. Yes, the car I just bought. And today I found out that the bill for the car is $800. Needless to say, I don't have enough money to fix it.
I don't know why this is happening.
Its days like the past few days that I really question whether God is in control.
1 comment:
Your life is going....
Yes, JJ, it is I - the only old family memeber who actually has a blog (as far as I know.) I had to learn how to make one for a technology class that I am taking in the graduate nursing education program. My problem is, I created a blog, a wiki and a web page - and I cant remember all the passwords and how to find them! Sounds like a person approaching 50, I'd say.
But as for where your life is going - I would say that you are asking some of the same questions that we all ask (if we are honest.) That is, how did I actually get into this or that mess??? Yours may have to do with incomplete college work, or a bad financial decision...but it is really no different that the same "bad decisions" I make (okay, lets call them what they are...selfish and sinful choices..ahem.) Each time I choose to ignore or deliberately go in the face of what I know pleases God, I suffer. Sometimes I suffer in ways that are very common to all men...sickness, exhaustion, frustration, etc. And then there are the things that really stick me to the soul: my children walk right behind me into the pit; or, I waste another day, week or month being an ineffective Christian and thus I "bury" my talent, I am not the "prepared" virgin who waits for the bridegroom, or the worst fear of all..."but LORD, LORD, I did this or that in your name....and He says ...depart from me I never knew you." Now THAT is the stuff of nightmare.
So, when you are thrust into the midst of looking at your life, reflecting on the choices that have brought you pain or difficulties, do not despair. Rmemeber that God disciplines the children that he loves. So the trials/difficulties are all a part of the "woodshed" experience that each REAL child of the Father can expect. And although you (and I) should avoid taking repeated trips to the woodshed - by humbling ourselves and repenting of our waywardness...and seeking to put one foot in front of the other in obedience (what is the phrase..."do the NEXT right thing?")we still know that the proof of God's love for us as authentic children. Soemtimes I can't BELEIVE He has persevered with me over these decades...I have so often been the unruly, uncontroled, rebellious and ungrateful child. What MERCY that he promises John 6: "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."
WOW...I'm praying for you. Aunt B
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