Friday, April 3, 2009

Where life is at today

Where Am I?

I'm trying to figure that out so I break it down into sections.

1. Lonely- I miss my granmother now with Jesus, I miss my family down in North Carolina, and those also in Virginia. I miss them all more than ever.

2. Not lonely- After 11 days away, I was finally able to see Elisa, my dad, and friends in PA again. I missed them and am glad to be back with them.

3. Frustrated- After almost 2 weeks away, I got behind in school. I came back and have been cramming all week... and now tomorrow I have a huge biology exam tomorrow that I don't feel prepared for. I studied for days for the last one...and got a D. I feel less prepared this time and honestly am frustrated beyond belief. I don't know what I am going to do. I guess I just have to leave it at 'I've done my best to prepare for this test', and leave the rest up to God.

4, Renewed and Hopeful.

Becoming that leader.

I've had struggles for months with trying to read my bible on a daily basis. So how to handle an issue like this? Cut back on the time and reading right? I missed the logic of that... so I not only increased the amount I was reading...but also the times I would read.

I couldn't handle reading it once a now it will be twice a day..,

Morning and Evening, which just so happens to be the title of the book (by Charles Spurgeon) I am using for my devotions. I am also going through Leadership: Promises for Every Day (by John C. Maxwell). I did not give God once per let's see if I can give him twice a day, and make a way to work it into my schedule. It's been a long battle, but I want to give him my all...and knowing that he will take it leaves me hopeful.

That's about all that's up in the life of John. Never Boring :)

My heart sings a brand new song.
The debt is paid, these chains are gone.
All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified:
Emmanuel, God with us.-Mercy Me


Kara said...

I totally know how you feel with the tests, John. That's how my nursing test is.

I'll be praying for ya!

mswagg said...

Even as grown ups we struggle to get the time with God that we know we need...its a struggle that you cant get away from but as you practice and work on it God helps you and you do get better about it.
Just remember " I am the vine and you are the branches...he who abides in me bears much fruit.....without me you can do nothing."