Saturday, April 4, 2009

Don't let me die.

I read this yesterday in 'Leadership' as I did my devotions. It was speaking about Eli. A well respected man as a religous leader, yet he couldn't get it done at home.
The book says
This reverend judge in Israel failed to discipline his two sons...Elisa lost his job, and eventually his life... If we do not faithfully lead our own households, we lack the qualifications to work beyond the home... Eli made some crucial errors.
  1. Emphasis- Eli emphasized teaching his colleagues and clients, not his famiy.
  2. Example-Eli failed to live out in his home what he taught at work.
  3. Entanglements- Eli got so caught up with his profession, he blinded himself to his failu
Wow. I certainly hope that will not be me. As I pursue a relationship with the hope of pushing towards becoming a husband and father who is a leader, I really thought about this as I read. All I could keep thinking was 'Please don't let this be me'. My exact prayer was
Lord, teach me NOW how to be the head of a family so that I may teach my children what is right. I don't want to die because I did not properlly,biblically, teach them what is right. I don't want them to live their life not listening to authority as I sadly, often did. Teach them your ways because I don't want them to have to learn everything the hard way or to die because they do not listen.

1 comment:

mswagg said...

I'm with you....that's what the heart of parenting is about... teaching your kids to love the Lord so that HE controls them with the guidance of HIS HOLY SPIRIT.