Saturday, April 11, 2009

Losing Control.

I got onto blog about something else on my mind, but it was all planned out. I don't like to blog when I plan posts out. I like to go sentence to sentence and tell you what's on my mind. It's a way to be honest and genuine. No sugar faking it, but plenty of misplaced and jumbled words I'm sure.
as a short update....let's just say life seems a little to crazy for me to handle right now. I feel like I'm losing control of myself. School is becoming more complicated as the semester continues. I still feel behind. Work is busy as ever... and conflicts arise as I begin to know these people.
Relationships seem somewhat torn but hopeful that though I may not like certain rules and restrictions placed in many of the relationships around me....they are always for a purpose, and are often good for me.

This week was spring break, but instead I feel more crammed and running out of time and patience then when I didn't have a break.

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