Wednesday, December 5, 2007

John Schuchman is in need of JESUS

So after my last post, I was driving up to Allentown and thinking (because my long trips to Allentown are where I do my best thinking) and began thinking that I was so worried about "our culture" and not worried about myself, who needs Jesus just as much . . . no . . . more than everyone around me.

I have a problem. It has to do with my alter ego. See...there's a John who goes to Cornerstone, loves the worship, loves the friends, loves the community, and loves the tear he usually sheds during the sermon because the sermon hits him HARD. Then, that same John who puts on the nice suit ( or the jeans and Hollister t-shirt if he's lazy), gets in his little car, and spends 85 minutes on the way home thinking about it all.
Then John walks through his door a home ... and everything changes.

You all know what I'm talking about, and some of you have struggled with it yourself, but I'm not here to point out your sins, its all mine tonight.

So anyway, this John then goes through his weeks with a mindset of "how can I get my family to leave me alone and not bother me", wants his teachers to go pound salt, and wants his bosses to give him decent hours, oh and pay him better to....and he's willing to complain about it if need be.

Then John complains to his parents about the situation he's in (having a piece of crap car, having to be home all the time, having to go to community college) even though HE is the one who screwed himself and put himself in this position....

So the idea here is, I need to be the same person many of you know on Sundays during EVERY OTHER day of the week...because I'm not doing a very good job of that now.

The issues above aren't like day-to-day things, but they happen, they shouldn't, and that SUCKS.

No matter how nice you look on Sundays or how well you convince everyone on Sunday that life is perfect, you need to be that same person Monday through Saturday....

I guess this is why the church is the hospital for sinners aye?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.